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A newLY FORMING church following Jesus and making disciples in Vancouver, Washington

If you’d like to see who we’re becoming or want to help us become who we’re becoming, you’re invited to visit one of our Sunday gatherings.

Summer Gatherings

July 7 Prayer Walk – 10 am

Front Porch BBQ/Potluck – 11:15 am

July 13-14 Serve Vancouver: Community Baby Shower @ River City Church – Times vary

July 21 Worship Gathering – 10 am

July 28 No gathering; BLESS* a neighbor

August 4 Prayer Walk – 10 am

Front Porch BBQ/Potluck – 11:15 am

August 11 Serve Vancouver: Backpacks for Kids – Time & location TBD

August 18 Worship Gathering – 10 am

August 25 No gathering; BLESS* a neighbor

*BLESS reminder: Begin with prayer, Listen, Engage/Eat, Serve, Share Jesus

1812 Main St., Vancouver, WA 98660

Our Story

Near the end of 2021, the leaders of Compass Church made a difficult yet courageous decision to close their church and start a new one. With a heart to introduce people to Jesus and a 100 year old building in downtown Vancouver, they began to pray for a fresh start. in 2023, God provided a church planter to help lead the process of planting a new church.

Today Main St Church is a newly forming community devoted to prayer, fellowship, and God’s Word. We are learning to follow Jesus, and are most interested in helping others follow him. We love Jesus, and the people and places around us.

Our Vision

A diverse family of deeply formed Christ-followers sent out to share God’s love.

Our Values

Counter-cultural unity – togetherness in Christ is a powerful witness that Jesus is for all people.

Everyday apprenticeship – we’re all still learning, and all of us make disciples who make disciples.

Simple gatherings – gatherings are kept as simple as possible so they’re Christ-centered, relational, and easy to start/reproduce.

Wholehearted sending – we joyfully equip and release leaders to extend God’s kingdom locally and globally.